Custom Domains



For this demo we will be showing how to use the new Domains command on the CLi to set up your custom domain.

It is important that for this demo you have


The custom domains feature in the new Fleek Platform allows you to connect your custom domain to your Fleek site. This is done by adding a ANAME record to your DNS provider.

Not all DNS providers support ANAME records, so if you are using a DNS provider that does not support ANAME records, you can use Cloudflare as a proxy to your Fleek site.

To learn more about ANAME records, check out this article (opens in a new tab).

This are some of the DN/CDN providers that support ANAME records:

Add a domain

To add a domain to your Fleek site, you can use the fleek domains add command.

  > fleek domains add
    WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta, use it at your own discretion
Choose site to add domain to  fleek-demos-blog-2

Once you finish the wizzard you should end on a prompt like this:

  > fleek domains add
    WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta, use it at your own discretion
Choose site to add domain to  fleek-demos-blog-2
Enter domain name (eg.
    > Success! Domain "" successfully added.
    > Update DNS records for "":
    > CNAME @
    > Press any key as soon as you configure your domain provider for verification.

Now we need to set up the CNAME record in our DNS provider. In this case we will be using Cloudflare in conjunction with Hover.

IMPORTANT: If you are only using subdomains you dont need to set up an ANAME record, you can use a CNAME record instead.

Once we set up everything we can run the verification by pressing a key, this will check that the records are correctly set on the domain.

    > fleek domains add
        WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta, use it at your own discretion
Choose site to add domain to  fleek-demos-blog-2
Enter domain name (eg.
        > Success! Domain "" successfully added.
        > Update DNS records for "":
        > CNAME @
        > Press any key as soon as you configure your domain provider for verification.
        > Success! Domain "" was verified.

Now we have our domain set!

List Domains and details

We can see all the domains that have been setted to our site by running the fleek domains list command.

  > fleek domains list
  WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta, use it at your own discretion
  Hostname           Created At                 Verified
  ------------------------------------------------------  2023-03-01T09:43:09.698Z       

and wit this information we can also request for the details of a specific domain by running the fleek domains details command passing a hostname as parameter.

  > fleek domains detail
  WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta, use it at your own discretion
  Hostname           CreatedAt                 Verified
  -----------------------------------------------------  2023-03-01T09:43:09.698Z         
  > Configure your domain provider according to following table:
  Type   Name      Value                              
  CNAME  hostname 

Manual verification

If you are of the group of people like me that made an incorrect setting up of the domain and you want to try again, you can run the fleek domains verify command to try again.

  > fleek domains verify
  WARN! Fleek CLI is in beta, use it at your own discretion
  > Success! Domain "" was verified.